The Opportunity You Don’t Want to Miss

We live in an unprecedented time in history when the opportunities to grow and scale our business are available and abundant.

We need two things to grow: tools and talent. Both are easily accessible if we take advantage of them.

The internet and ever-evolving (and powerful) technology afford us these opportunities. There is no shortage of tools to help us maximize or automate our business operations.

The ways in which we can communicate and work with others – clients, customers, vendors, and team members- is also made possible by technology.

I’ve said recently if we have a vision that is bigger than ourselves, it will require more than ourselves to achieve it.

As such, we have a unique opportunity to invite people to join our teams and to leverage their talents. That team may just be one that is remote or virtual.


  • There are four reasons that make this opportunity valuable RIGHT now:
    • Generational Desire – Millennials or those getting ready to retire (but still wanting to work and apply their years of experience) are both looking for fulfilling work they can do from home
    • Age of Specialization – hiring a generalist may not get you as far as hiring someone who is specialized in a particular area that you need
    • Affordability – hourly rates for freelancers/remote hires might seem scary, but really you’re hiring someone to get a specific task done more accurately and efficiently than the salaried person you’ve hired as the ‘Jack (or Jill) of all trades’; your value and ROI is higher in the long-run
    • Expanding Your Leadership – as a business owner you have to constantly develop your ability to lead; leading a remote team requires you to up your game and become a better communicator (which translates to all other areas of your business)
  • Growing our business requires tools and talent
  • Both tools and talent are made accessible to us via technology and the internet
  • There is a unique opportunity to work with and employ virtual or remote workers to grow our businesses and achieve our teams
  • Vision requires more than you if you believe your vision is bigger than you – having a virtual/remote team gives you the ability to make your vision possible


    1. Shift your mindset. If you immediately think of all the reasons why it won’t work then recognize this as a limiting belief and move into openness

    2. Be clear of the specialties that your business strategies require to grow and scale. Be committed to finding those specialties

    3. Find experts in using remote and virtual team members and leverage those experts to fast-track your growth.  There is no reason for you to guess what you need to do, so use these experts to maximize your efforts

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Contact us TODAY to see how we can help you transform your business!